วันอาทิตย์ที่ 4 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2559

Today's technology!!

 source by : http://emergingwarriors.com/?p=621
            On 29th Monday, We learned about "Today's technology. We talk about technology enhancing English learning . And the teacher picked someone up to share the opinion in front of the class. After that, we did an activity that writing the words about technology enhancing English on the whiteboard.

source by : http://emergingwarriors.com/?p=621

       After that, We read profcasts story. Podcast is a radio program that is stored in a digital from that you can download from the internet and play on a computer or on a MP3 player. The teacher told us to make a group of 4 and discuss about this story. Next, We did some activities in the handout. we read about music news and views CD and vinyl. I used the skimming skill for read the story. It make me read very fast for reading and making comprehension.

In this class, I found a lot of difficult words. But I tried to solve this problem by using an internet and fine them on Cambridge online dictionary and asking my friend.

I used previewing, skimming, scanning, and finding references skill for reading.

