e to check the answers of the text 2 from the last week together explained about species of whales so divided into toothed and baleen in the text. Then, she gave us the corrective feedback.
After that, the teacher gave us the exemplification handout and told us to read about the purpose of exemplification. And then, the teacher explained us about “commonly used abbreviations and transitions in exemplification text.
Next, the teacher told us to do the text that was about read the text and complete the diagram then highlight the exemplification markers. After that, she gave us the corrective feedback.
After that, the teacher told us to do the text 2, 3, and 4. These three texts have about answered the questions correctly. Anyway, in the text 3, these were many difficult words such as:

Hazard (n.) /ˈhæz.əd/ = something that is dangerous and likely to cause damage
Eliminate (v.) /iˈlɪm.ɪ.neɪt/ = to remove or take away someone or something
Finally, we were watching the cooking video of our friends.
I think that the abbreviation and transitions in exemplification text might be difficult for me because I rarely use it in daily life. But, I will solve this problem by reading many texts. I believe I can do it better in the future.
I felt great and enjoy for this week very much.
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