At first, the teacher opened some words from the Cambridge Dictionary Online for us to pronounce such as:
- problem (n.) /ˈprɒb.ləm/ = a situation, person, or thing that needs attention and needs to be dealt with or solved
- solve (v.) /sɒlv/ = to find an answer to a problem

something that was, can be, or should be done to remedy this issue (solution or attempted solution).
After that, the teacher told us to read the example in the handout and taught us about how to find the problem and a solution passages in the text and she explained us about the markers.
Next, we did the skill practice in the handout. That was about “circle the Problem Markers and highlight the Solution Markers then write either Problem or Solution in the margin next to the relevant information”.
I spent a long time to do this practice. After we did it finished, the teacher gave us the corrective feedback and then the teacher continued told us to do the exercise 1 that was ”Read the passages, wrote the title, and the sentence explaining the main idea of the passage then created a problem and solution, graphic organizer”.

For this week, I think I can do the practice in the text as well because I really like to analyze things such as the problem or solution. Furthermore, I had learned about the Discourse Markers of the Problem and Solution in this week. I can do many activities for easily from now on! Because I think that this lesson always uses in daily life.
I felt good for this week very much.