Dear, Teacher Usa Noitim.
This blog is the last blog for this semester of the Discourse Approach in Reading. I surely tell you that I had a lot of skills and strategies for reading. It can help very much in the future about how to read, how to analyze, or how to use an appropriate word. So, this is what I got from this course.
What was I learning about A Discourse Approach in Reading course?
As I told you about what I learn from the blog I had written, I had studied many lessons for this course.
First, I learned “Recount” It helps me to know how to tell the stories, events, or series that what

What did I find the easy things, while I was studying A Discourse Approach in Reading?
I think I really like about the discourse marker because they can help me very much to understand about what type of the text is. I think I believe that this course can help me to think about something in common sense as well.
What did I find the difficult things, while I was studying A Discourse Approach in Reading?
One thing that always disturbed me to learn about this course is “I don’t know many vocabularies as much”. It could make me confused sometimes when I found the difficult word in the passage.
How did I solve these problems?
But I can solve this problem by searching that word from the online dictionary. Anyway, I should more be reading, more practicing, and more remembering the word because I think about my future to be a teacher or knowing something new. If I know many words, I could learn faster. I really believe it.
How do I bring the knowledge of this course to use in my daily life?
As I told you about what I’d got in this course, I can bring the knowledge to use in my every daily life about in English or Thai because this course makes me how to know about common sense in reading or pronouncing the text. I can adapt the knowledge to the conversation to the foreigner. And I can write the text in English better than I was because I know about the discourse markers and connector words. It can help me very much.
What is my attitude toward this course?
About my attitude for this course, I think that I really like this course because it can help me to improve my skill in English very much. I was worried about this course in the first class that I studied. But when I learn about this course and continued practice to read and analyze the text that in the handout of each lesson, I was rethinking about it and I have got much knowledge about this course very much. So, I have to say “Thank you so much teacher” for taught me a lot and do not be afraid to educate your students at all. This is may the last time that I have studied with you because I know about your retirement, this is so sad when I know about this for every time I had heard. But I surely believe that you will stay in my heart forever as the best teacher. I will keep everything about your teaching and use it for the future forever.